........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Monday 3 June 2024

'Life, Don't Talk To Me About Life... '*

A friend of mine once wrote a poem
in which he described his friends
as 'odourless attempts at living',
for them being being two faced,
falsely cheerful and showering
once a day, twice during summer.

This was long before the internet
made conversations between people
becoming inattentive and one sided,
where what cheers up commentators
is a like, or a comment by way of reply.

So now, not only are people odourless,
and hypocrites they have lost the art
of even slightly disguising their disengagement.

*a catch phrase coined by Douglas Adams
that he gave to one of his character in his book
'The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Universe',
the character Marvin the Paranoid Android.     

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