I am one of millions who's mind turns off
when I hear the phrase 'cost of living crisis',
which is all over BBC radio like a rash,
often as not spoken by the middle classes.
They have plenty, and are unafraid of debt,
but are newly aware of how food price rises
can cut through their financial defences.
But, to my shame, I know I am like them.
The first place I look in the supermarket
is the short dated shelf where the goods
cost less and if they seem good to me,
then I will enjoy the variation in diet.
I write this. I know that many countries
are poor enough to not have supermarkets,
much less many branches of multiples
multi-national chains across each city,
each chain with a long distribution chain
that works food providers very hard.
They make life cheap and convenient,
so that people like me can worry less
about my means matching my ends,
as I try to hide my inconsequentiality.