........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Monday 29 May 2023

Sexual Labelling Theory As A Moebius Strip*

When I was growing up
there were three sexual labels,
'straight', 'gay' and 'lesbian'.
None of them were ever used;
to even think them implied choice,
something that had to be taken away
if society was to be cohesive and unified.

The word 'married' euphemised trust
and stood in for all three categories.
Marriage was the license to breed,
and make the carrier of the child
responsible for it's rearing. Breeding
was the only justification for sex.

Where sex education existed it explained,
rather poorly, how to breed whilst avoiding
the question 'Why would any young man
ever want to be a father given the distance
that fathers kept from their children?'.

If youths wanted to know anything about human biology
then it was 'What was good sexual technique that satisfied them?
Who has most of it?' and 'How often could they (consensually) practice it?'.

The unspoken reason for having children
was less to populate and subdue the earth,
the Biblical reason given in the Old Testament,
and more for men to compete with each other
to buy bigger houses and have better jobs
than each other, the better to make family
a class ridden, Darwinian, competition.   

All this went on without explanation;
any explanation would have to explain away
why so much of the past was so hideous.

Nowadays, we have 'heterosexual',
along with 'LBGTQI+', a/k/a 'everyone else'.
Where each letter directs young people
towards a sort of performative individuality,
where being companionable comes last, if it has any value at all.

A moebius strip is a loop with a twist in it,
in which following one surface will confusingly
land the follower in the reverse position to where
they started. Here explains it better than I can.  

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