........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Sunday 25 October 2020

Elections Are Like Planned Accidents

Accidents and elections will be approached
with great caution by those aware of their own bias
and capacity for not seeing all sides of the event.

Those unaware, or uncaring, of how biased they are
will rush in where fallen angels would not set foot,
for not caring how heavy of tread they are
as they make their mark on their countrymen.

Elections are calibrated accidents
where campaigns are planned and timed
leading to computerised calculations
about voters and their values
which make the voter
no more than a series of numbers
in vast calculations by one side
and then the other
where both are desperate to win. 

I prefer real accidents where less reason
and less explanation are required
and there is much less desperation
and much less fear of losing.  

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