........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Picture Set Of The Month - February 2025 - The Paintings Of Hélène De Beauvoir

'Serie Venise' a cubist/abstract painting
by Hélène De Beauvoir (1910-2001).
She was exhibiting here work across
Europe, Japan and the USA.
'Untitled', undated by Hélène De Beauvoir,
one of here greater accomplishments, away
from a painting career, was to be the president
of a centre for the care of battered women. 

'Self Portrait' as painted in 1955
by Hélène
 de Beauvoir. Her younger sister
Simone De Beauvoir (1908-86) was more
famous than Hélène for writing the feminist
philosophical work 'The Second Sex' in 1949.

'Harvester in Morocco' as painted in 1949
by Hélène De Beauvoir. Morocco was, of course,
a colony of France, though further back it was
encroached on by the Ottoman Empire.
Presently it has the part of the fifth largest
economy in all of Africa.

'The Flower Market' (undated) by Hélène De Beauvoir
(1910-2001) who painted until she eighty five years old, 
and only stopped painting, whether from failing hands
or failing eyesight, in the last six years of her life.