........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

As We Pass The First Anniversary

                            of the death of Russian opposition leader,
                            and anti-corruption lawyer, Alexei Navalny 
                            remember him for what he was: a patriot
                           when the most patriotic act he could make
                           was to die for his country, at the hands
                           of authorities so callous and barbarous
                           they were beyond not caring. 

                           Remember him whilst the latest bad actors
                           of world politics take the stage
                           and rehearse their woeful lines....

                                        P.s. please left click here for the audio of

                                        a 25 mins 2017 BBC interview with him 

                                        where he is very much a live and cogent critic 

                                        of what and who he stood against.... 

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