........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Friday, 9 August 2024

Stigma Multiplied

In twenty four countries in the world
the stigma against poor mental health
is reinforced by laws that make suicide
-a symptom of poor mental health-illegal.

The punishments vary from country to country,
Empire to Commonwealth, the worst is
life imprisonment (The Bahamas), rarely enacted,
below that the average is a mix of fines
and custodial sentences. No offender gets less
than a misdemeanour mark on their criminal record.

This means the criminals being unemployable
where employers collectively refuse to employ
once suicidal ex criminals whose time is spent.

The stigma of surviving attempted suicide
gets added to the stigma of criminality,
so that the stigma of being unemployable
can complete the shameful trio. 

These events are survivable-
ask hard enough for nothing
and it will be enough to survive.

Face it; every competitive social system
has to a poorest who can live with the least,
and those with the least surely includes
surviving failing to commit suicide.    


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