........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Self Reinvention Is Never Far Away

Unless we are born into royalty,
or somehow become cult figures
who can command total deference
for life from those we attract,
and deference in the hereafter,
we are all, to a degree, half-formed.

We will never be the people
our complex society advertises we will be,
even when they give us half the means
to be complete, expecting us to busk the rest.

The pressure to conform is easy.
All it takes is an advertisers' nudge
or the withdrawal of gov't money
to make us much more ill at ease
whilst being half-formed, and pressurise us
to doubt the half-sense we have of ourselves.

Whilst signing out of this deal
is difficult, we should not worry.

When societies becomes data
every society is only as good
as it's data storage systems,
and when they collectively fail,
as data storage systems will,
there will be no other version of us,
we are complete in our half memories
complete in how we reinvent ourselves. 

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