........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Scabrous Thoughts

I see the Israel/Palestine conflict
as 'The wound that resists all healing'. 

From the latter days of the Ottoman Empire
(1517-1917) Palestine was always a backwater
for the many bigger countries in the empire
to promise to build up, and fight each other over,
whilst laying waste in the fight to the materials
that would have made good on the promises.

This would be well before ideas of Zionism
took their first primitive shape, in the late 1800's.

Palestine was to the Ottoman Empire
what Belgium was to Western Europe,
a non-country that created peace
by settling competing empire ambitions
that were ground to a stalemate
in the countries that surrounded it.

Rather than the land being a country
with a people and an identity
that was definitely it's own, Belgium,
and Palestine, were buffer zones.

When the Ottoman Empire was no more
the Jews made plans for it as a homeland
whilst Palestine's historic inhabitants
kept the lesser identity of themselves
of being par buffer zone part future
to the many Islamic republics, an image
those countries enjoyed playing up to.

Nowadays the politics of Israel vs Palestine
vs other Islamic countries plays out
like an episode of victim (Palestine) vs
persecutor (Israel) where Islamic Republics
of different size play rescuer to Palestine,
whilst making a victim of Israel etc.

I don't really want to go there.

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