........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Monday 13 May 2024

So Just Where Does It Hurt?

Visitors to patients in hospitals
who hear their friend, the patient,
call the nurse they most dislike 'A Nazi'
out loud may be shocked at the language
directed at the profession the visitors
are distantly taught to put on a pedestal,
the better to not need their care.

It is not that nurses have thick skins
when they show little reaction,,
or know that the place is theirs,
and can extract their revenge later.

It is more that doctors and nurses
recognise the symptoms
of pain relieving drugs
being slowly withdrawn
and patient returning to earth
with insults and expletives galore
to re-embrace the gravity of their situation.

Now can anyone explain the medication
that those who use the phrase 'Grammar Nazi'
and it's several more personal variants
are having withdrawal symptoms from

I'd love to have the answer....     

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