........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

'The Trickle Down Effect' Updated ?

The first version of the trickle down effect
was 'The government is giving more money
to the wealthy so they can spend more
on the poor, rather than on themselves,
to make those with less more healthy.'.

Private charity was the way ahead.

The rich did not know what to do
with the money they already had,
not that this embarrassed them,
but the gov't bet that giving to the wealthy
made the wealthy to be trusted more,
in spite of their ignorance, than were the poor
who were to be trusted less
in their thrift and humbleness.

That the money did not trickle down
from rich to poor was not the point;
the money was never meant to,
it was the gov't way of proving
that 'poverty is unfixable' in the long run.

The new trickle down effect
is that the leaders of a given
civic-minded organisation
are to be accepted as bullies
who expect to be fawned upon,
by those they see as beneath them
who in their turn expect to be fawned upon,
in their turn, until the lowest know how low
their status is by how much they are lied about,
and have nobody of lower rank to make look up to them.     

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