........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Sunday 10 April 2022

Undone By The Media Once Again

I have written before  about 'sore winner syndrome'
where a right wing populist not only wins an election,
and wins it by apparently fair seeming means,
but then complains about all the parties and forces
who stood against him, as if they had no right to be.

Now the world is faced with a country
that not only slaughters the citizens
of it's neighbour and brother in history,
with a venom worse than that
with which Cain slew Abel,
using weaponry more lethal
than Cain could conceive.

And not only does the country deny every action
that it has taken with said weaponry
(perhaps understandable given the obscenity
of the imbalance of military might, and motive,
not mention with all that, they still have not won)
but it now blames the invaded country
for 'invading itself' and for 'being Nazi's'
when a totalitarian government, and war,
is what the smaller country is now resisting.

And the bully country denies it outright.
To quote a once a once unpopular song
life in Ukraine is 'Hell without the sin',
and there plenty more of it to come...

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