........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Highly Driven ?

When I was growing up
men coyly said, in ways
they would not expand upon,
'Oh, I have a high sex drive',
to excuse their infidelities,
which they hinted at,
but then refused to list;
they were married. 

It was comments like that
which made marriage
difficult to understand.

What was the point of an institution 
which did not meet their needs?
I  knew what institutions were
after my family sent me to one.

I understand it now,
the same men who hinted
at being highly sexually driven
also furtively suggested
that they were 'well endowed';
They had a strong drive
but it was only to tell lies
and best other people.

Men liked boasting with each other
about who they believed they ruled over,
though their rule was often empty minded. 

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