........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Bilateral Disagreement

What is does it mean to 'combat normality'?

It has many definitions, but one of them
is resisting 'The Narcissism Of Minor Difference'.
Normality is the acceptable consensus of any given group of people.
Each group is unique in itself, according the materials it uses,
but as alike as every other group, given that every group
share more common values than they like to think.
The group-think of groups is so all absorbing
that the members of the group are blinded to how similar
 to each other they all are, within their group, and with every other group.
The smaller the difference the more members of each group makes a fetish
of that minor tic, claiming their individuality through it, whilst avoiding
the power for agreement that comes from respectful listening.

Thus combating normality is about keeping a distance,
apt for yourself-everyone's will vary-from all groups
and their norms. The better to know your commonality
through a vastly reduced sense of jealousy.  

1 comment:

  1. The title came from listening to a programme on Switzerland and the European Union. Switzerland is not in the E.U. and among other ties has some 200 or so bi-lateral agreements with the E.U. instead. The programme argued that the bi-lateral agreements that bound Switzerland to the E.U. were collectively tighter than if they were full members with negotiated rights and opt outs.
