........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Globalisation (2)

When we share about globalisation, it is through,
and in terms of, a media who eclipse the real power
at work, international money, property and copyright law.
Today 39 % of the world's wealth is owned by
1 % of the worlds population, though those proportions
could well have been more extreme during the heights
of The British Empire. Today 80 % of the worlds humanity
get by on under $10 a day, the nominal 'poverty level'.
With humans tearing the world and each other apart
through ownership and law to fulfill to make sure
there is no tomorow, perhaps the richest in the world
are the few who live in undiscovered tribes, in that rarity
of rarites, unspoilt jungle. What they have can't be monetarised.

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