........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Don't Be Surprised

If Israel is still bombing Gaza
as you read this, four days after
signing a declaration for D. Trump
to brag about as he is sworn at,
sorry sworn in, as president
please save your anger
for when it seems more useful,
when ever that might be.

WW1 did not end in a day,
though that is how we commemorate it.
Signing the armistice for November
was only the start of the end of conflict.

Open war slowly stopped across Europe,
until the last guns were laid down in June 1919,
as from January of 1919 to June 1923 treaties
were negotiated and signed across Europe.
Blame was firmly cast on 'losing' countries 
and future enmities given a firm foundation.

Expect the same with Israel vs Islam,
of which Israel vs Gaza is just one chapter.

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