........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Sunday 12 June 2022

Only Another Two Years To Wait ?

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
has just celebrated 'seventy years
as the monarch of the United Kingdom',
'Head of The Commonwealth'
and the holding of many other titles
she has accrued over the decades.

Now all that is left for her to do is live
just a little over two years longer,
for hers to be the longest reign in the history of world.
Then she will have ruled longer
than Louis XIV of France (1638-1715).
The Sun King had a good head start on her,
he was on the throne from the age of  five.

However much anyone might want her
to break this record, they should remember
what it will cost those 'rules' over,
watching her declining health,
accepting her increasing immobility,
and seeing how rule by an ailing figurehead 
feeds into creating a new failing nation. 

Who really wants all the badly made decisions,
the broken checks and balances on political power,
and leadership by the best mediocrity
that money can buy which will come
with such a Faustian longevity?

People who want her to break the record
for ruling for the longest time in the world
should realise that eighty short years after his rule
the dynasty of Charles XIV was over;
Executions of the powerful became popular.
France became a violent republic....

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