........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Monday 17 August 2020

'We Are Following The Science' They Said.....

when the government held
daily public conferences on Covid 19
to appease the public appetite for information
between March and June this year.

But most of the time
they were hiding behind the scientists
and making it up as they went along,
such that when a scientist objected
to being used as a political shield
they were thrown off the payroll.

T'was it ever thus though,
back in the era of A.I.D.S.
the fear of the illness was used
to hurt many men who identified as gay
but accepted their 'being in the closet'.

Another lock was added to it
when the NHS said 'Medically
your blood is clean enough
only when you are in the closet
and have no identity..... '.   

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