........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Thank You For Not Breeding

Thank you for trying to make your time and space yours,
in so far as the people around you let you be yourself.

Thank you for resisting the desire/acquire/expire
cycle of wants which all Western children go through.
You are probably unaware of how you went through
that particular cycle yourself when you went through it
because your parents acclimatised you to live like them.

Thank you for having more time to think and act
in causes that are altruistic in nature,
though the positive effect of your altruism
may be concerned with  far away interests,
and be a long time in coming to fruition.
Also the good may well not be irreversible in effect.

Thank you for restricting the advent of disease
and illness to yourself, for not breeding more humans
to be the targets for viruses and bugs,
they have more than enough targets at present
and still there is massive human over-breeding.

Thank you for thinking more about mental health.
Most parents don't plan how to raise a child,
and expect their society to plan for them.
Most plans that are hatched are for the gain of the few
and the inept maintenance of the many.
By your abstinence you may have reduced
mental anguish, jealousy in yourself and others,
and reduced the intentional inequality of poor planning.

If the above reasons for being thanked
make a person more spiritual, then fine,
but let thankfulness and application be the aim.

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