........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday 4 August 2016

The Blind Are Best Led By Their Own Blindness

When I first went to church, late in my teenage years,
it had to be a disaster. As a youth I was as blind to myself
and as blind to the nature of my family as anyone could be.
I will never forget though, what I now see as the sypmtom
being mistaken for the cause. 'Christianity' in that small town
was faith in life within tight boundaries; the 'Good News'
which was originally to strengthen  the enfeebled, the tired,
and the weak had become a comfort for the status quo.
'Don't be angry' was turned into a mantra because the fear
of turning over the social order would mean no order atall.

There was no cure for anger, and the curdled despair,
which was hid behind being owned as if you property. 

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