........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Here Today, Gone Tomorow

Evolution is a theory that is widely misunderstood
by a public, who misunderstand quite a lot -
because they are constantly talked at and sold things.
But within the scientific community, who define
The Truth of modernity through tests and analysis,
evolution is taken as a fact. I would actively trust
science more if I saw it follow the logic of evolution, itself.
Where genes and other materials mutate and die they help make
new life forms. In their mutability they make new building blocks
for the next stage of an ongoing creation. The uncompetitive death
of one type of matter gives life to another, and without that death
life, which is about change, would stop. The scientific narrative
I prefer would make that the central the premise. Everything
is important only in so far as it serves what comes after it,
which it can't  know about. This includes the scientists themselves.


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