........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Apocalypse

is a subject on which I rarely reflect,
as it is written it is a confusing story.

But it is clear enough to me
that the global arms industry
will make The End Of Everything
the biggest bang humanly possible.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Moments Of Truth

always present themselves
as tragedy; comedy is
the reassuring vanity
of finding mirth in loss. 

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Adaption Is For Other Species

The exceptionalism of Evolutionary Theory
is that the species that devised it,
and has the greatest faith in it
denies it's corollary; their own extinction.

Saturday, 15 October 2011


The modus operandi in humans
(but not in animals) that maintains
the need for scapegoats,
and the loss of consent
to prove how right it is,
particularly in cases of rape.

Friday, 14 October 2011

'Never Divide The Dead'

Stalin said, of the Soviet victims of the Shoah,
denying survivors any sense of what they survived,
whilst he in his turn uprooted the many tribes
of the living from their lands they belonged to,
to further sustain his empire, beyond his lifetime.
Averaged out, he killed a million citizens a year
through out the twenty five years of his Czar-ship.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Thought For The Christmas Sales

Because whilst the shops fill with tat to buy
to 'celebrate', we still have to explain why
our planet is dying, before it explains
it's forthcoming exit, taking us with it,
with weather we can't deny is toxic.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Easy Steps To Avoid

The road to Hell
starts with the path
of least resistance.

Like every other journey,
it starts with the first step.
Unlike other journeys it gets easier....

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

'It's Wasn't Me, It Was Them Others... '

Family are the people we expect
to argue and fight with each other,
over how much more irresponsible
other people are, than they are.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Uncertain Endings

When prophets
tell of disaster due,
they never know the time
in which it will come true.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Edward Bernays Would Be Proud

of how today's media describe nation states
 in such triumphalist and existential terms
-particularly during currency crises.

The emotions that the journalists invoke
to describe their country deny the gravity
of the inhumanity with which we expect to win,

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Steve Jobs

made the world a push-button place
for the worlds richest citizens.
For a time he made doing nothing more
than lifting a finger, get them further
than they had ever gone before.

His achievements and death
will mean nothing to the poor
-for whom the physicality of work,
food, and shelter always meant more
than they could put into language.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Wars Are Like Jokes

Both need good timing
and positive humour
to please their audience
and hit their targets.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Sin

The sin of Adam and Eve was
somehow believing that they owned
the garden they lived in, in their own right
when really they were always guests
paying rent in kind through their labour
of  naming all the animals.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Grow Old With Me...

The urge to breed is much more
about taking the waiting out of wanting
of another person, who later we want
to take care of us, than we are prepared to admit.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Gradations In The Absence Of Peace

Capitalism is war by other means,
because it is about competition,
where the longer Capitalism goes on,
the more it defines perpetual instability.

The ultimate in instability is open war,
where there is always money to be made
from distortions in demand and supply.

War makes money a most powerful weapon.
Capitalism and war are two sides
of the same, forever spinning, coin.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Weather Report

Expecting Jesus to come back
is akin to the hope of lightning
striking twice in the same place;
it has happened more rarely in the past
than it was hoped for and predicted.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Piety of Sadism

is what turns pilgrims into tourists,
vocation and charity into consumerism,
and empties public ritual of meaning.

It hollows out martyrdom, 
which was a catalyst for change
long after it happened
into mere sadomasochism,
a perpetual mutuality of suffering.

It makes death as a sacrifice seem meaningless.

Sadism's gift, or curse,
is to normalise selfishness
to the point where to call sadists
animals is an insult to creatures
who are selfish within their means,
but are never as pointlessly cruel
as human beings are to each other.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Unmemorable Product

Being human is about producing
unmemorable memorabilia
in the pursuit of amnesia,
to pass the time more easily
than it does when we remember.