Anyone, any government, in any negotiations
has four basic positions they can settle for
with their enemies, their opposition:
win-win, win-lose, lose-win and lose-lose.
Many a declining empire has chosen lose-lose
when it has picked which war to fight,
on the grounds that the other side is smaller.
The other side can less afford to lose
what it has than the empire
Which is rich in citizens it can use
as cannon fodder, to prove the superiority
of oligarchy over democracy.
This is Russia's position with it invading Ukraine:
Russian can afford to lose far more than Ukraine can,
and with its autocracy and control of the media
it has already devalued what 'being Russian' means.
When Biden's America gave/sold it's surplus arms
to Ukraine to help it fight back, it strove to make Ukraine
a winner, whilst clearing out some of its arms dumps.
But with Trump such altruism, flawed as it was,
is off the menu. As Trump gets aggrieved to order,
the quiet kindness of Biden is a distant memory.
Trump needs to be the only winner in transactions
in which winning is believing he is the only engineer
of the transaction. Trump has to sow conflict
and make losers out of his enemies and advisers,
as if they both were alike, 'jealous' of his need tor be right.
Oligarchy and empires are slow to recognise
life beyond their control, but when such life advances
in their back yard, they will be numbed
by how much their days are numbered.